Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There is a long story that goes behind the name Dude.

Long before this guy was known as The Dude from the "The Big Lebowski"...

I was known as Dude.

And still am, in certain circles.

At least 38 years ago the name was developed by my parents.  

You see, the only song my Dad could sing and make me happy, when I was an infant,  was "Yankee Doodle Dandy".  After a few variations, the name Dude was born.  I remember when I was playing football in High School and after a game, on several occasions, my Dad would ask me, "Are you ready, Dude?"  Where most of my friends heard this and just thought my Dad was trying to be cool and use the word Dude.  To me, it was my name.  But, I also knew it was the coolest nickname a guy could have since birth, and not be embarrassed by it when your Dad calls it out in front of you and all your teammates.

I only allow select people to call me Dude.  And you know who you are.  So, you may ask why call your blog the "Daily Dose of Dude" if not everyone can call you that?  

Well... There is a simple explanation for it.  I really like alliteration.  


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